Psychiatric Disability Organization
Our Story
Psychiatric Disability Organization is a user-led community-based mental health organisation from Nakuru, Kenya. It was formed and is run by mental health lived experience experts and clinicians.
We run a person-centred mental health care model that combines technological innovation and community-based psychosocial support. We train and deploy a network of peers who are the trusted sources of lay services and referrals. They can instantly refer patients to specialists through telepsychiatry, enabling underserved communities to access affordable, high-quality services. The goal is to ensure every person going through distress can access help and recover in dignity to lead a productive and fulfilling life, their social status notwithstanding.
Our key pillars
Mental health equity – reducing disparity is access to quality care caused by systemic neglect and discrimination.
Community-based, recovery-oriented services – attains WHO Quality Rights standards, focused on recovery and keeping people away from institutions.
Person-centred, human rights-based approach – services are respectful, non-coercive and protect the person’s dignity.
Technological innovation in service delivery – we harness the power of technology to reduce cost, increase coverage and avail specialist care to underserved communities.
Power of lived experience expertise – experts by lived experience are at the centre of care and service delivery.

Quality Services
Clinical services are person-centered and human rights-based. Our services are respectful and non-coercive, and conform to WHO #QualityRights standards

Peer-led Advocacy
Lived experience experts lead efforts to promote respect for human rights to reduce stigma and discrimination. The champions are also lay mental health service providers.

Social Support
Peer-to-peer support to create a solid support network and a forum to learn, share, and provide psychosocial support to each other