Psychiatric Disability Organization
Nawiri Wellness center
Nawiri Wellness Center was founded in 2022 to provide the first-ever human rights-based in-patient recovery Center that is community-based, affordable, and compliant with WHO community services guidelines. We saw the need for a recovery facility that respects the client’s dignity by providing him/her with homely settings as opposed to the unpopular restrictive hospital or rehab settings where coercive practices are common.

Nawiri Wellness Center is a community-based residential facility located within the serene environment of Nakuru, Kenya. Nawiri Wellness Center focuses on providing a safe and nurturing environment when you have psychological distress to allow you to heal and recover in dignity. Our services include halfway house services, addiction, and mental health treatment. Our main aim is to provide a safe haven where people can find purpose, progress, build a foundation and flourish in all aspects of their life.